a) 15 days b) 20 days c) 25 days d) 30 days correct answer is: c) 25 days Explanation men women men women men women womenAnd, men women women.So that, men and ...
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Science Sparkle
Asked: 12 months agoIn: Rule of Three
a) 25 days b) 23 days c) 20 days d) 19 days correct answer is: a) 25 days Explanation Here, men boys men women men boys boysAccording to the question, men and boys finish ...
Science Sparkle
Asked: 12 months agoIn: Rule of Three
a) 20 days b) 24 days c) 22 days d) 26 days correct answer is: a) 20 days Explanation men women men women men women womenAnd, men women women.So that, men and ...
Science Sparkle
Asked: 1 year agoIn: Rule of Three
a) 120 items b) 140 items c) 160 items d) 180 items correct answer is: c) 160 items Explanation Let, the number of items is . People Days